Interfood Sial 2017

Meghan Budiman

Posted on November 27 2017

Interfood is a show we look forward to attending every year. It's a time we get to meet our customers face to face and answer their questions. It's also an opportunity for us to spread the word about our store as well as introducing new products. We've paired up again with FondX this year and they had shown us their Buttercream Concentrate. It's a great product to have in your collection. It's a flavor concentrate that you simply add to shortening. Whip together and start piping. 
To obviously state, Chefmaster was a huge hit at Interfood! You guys were going crazy over the variety of colors and especially our 20gr bottles. We had a lot of fun watching you pick out colors like you were a kid in a candy shop. We are so happy to see such a great response over this product. We love Chefmaster products and we love when you love them too. There is no better product on the market. Thank you for supporting us every year and we hope to see you again next year!